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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Another Month Old........... Now 7 Months

7 Months

6 Months

5 Months

4 Months

3 Months

2 Months

1 Month

From his first month glider picture (where we had to hold him up) to his seven month picture (he can now sit up on his own), Cody has grown so much both in size and in spirits.  He sits up on his own, holds his own bottle, eats like a champ, and has such a good demeanor!  We are so, so blessed to have such a well behaved and happy baby!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Playing in the Pool with my New Raft

Cody loved the pool and his new raft.  He was a natural at kicking his feet and moving across the pool.  He was not afraid to venture out away from Mom and meet new people. 

Happy Father's Day

Cody enjoyed spending the day with his daddy on his first Father's Day!  They were limited in what they could do together since Daddy recently had surgery on his broken fibula/ankle.  But they had a great day all the same!

Fun With My Cousins

Cody and Brayden love playing together..... well, as long as they don't have each other's toys!  They sported their cardinal hats, which were identical as well as shared a bath!  Audrina got to play with them a little as well.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

I Want to Be a Cowboy

Cody had a great time at our friends Gabe and Sherri Bockhorst farmhouse in Warrenton. Cody got to wear a cowboy hat, sit on a horse, sit in the back of a truck, and go down by the creek.  He liked being a cowboy for a day!

Baseball Fan

Cody was sitting up like a big boy cheering on his Cardinals on TV.  Mommy couldn't help but snap a picture of her adorable boy!